Best Wishes and good luck for 2024 and the best of health for all our friends and followers.
How Would You Like to Own Your Own Detached House Overlooking The Village Beck or Have Your Own Shop or Business in the Heart of This Village Read On?
Unique Single Detached Building Plot Freehold For Sale in This Quant West Yorkshire Village of Bailiff Bridge with Unspoilt Views, No Neighbours, Yet it is Located in the Centre of this Village.
For Sale Building Plot of Land in this Idyllic West Yorkshire Village Location Ideal for Detached Residence
This is a Chance of a lifetime to purchase a Village Centre Freehold Plot of Land Ideal for Large Detached House with Stunning Woodland Views and potential to build a stand out Balcony over a Quaint Village Beck subject to approval.
Side road position with some houses in the million pound bracket along this same road location, making this one of the most sought after locations in the area, ideal location for schools, Child Care, Parks and Shops, etc.
M62 access within 2 miles and midway between Huddersfield, Bradford, Halifax and Leeds making this an Ideal location for commuting and work. This property is just off the main village of Bailiff Bridge crossroad, although it is visible from the main A641 Huddersfield to Bradford Road it is just far away not to be a nuance from fumes and noise, it is fully detached with no immediate neighbours and the rear views are not only stunning with a quant village beck and a woodland with one of the most beautiful Weeping Willows in easy view, although the property is totally free from trees.
If you built a Large Detached Residence on this land it would make a million pound house that people would die to live in this beautiful area?
This Beautiful Historical Village along with the stunning Views, Walks and Wildlife. There is a Very good infant & junior School further along the road from the property, along with an award winning Public Park and other amenities in the area.
Currently the land has a Detached Shop Property on it which I have been told following new planning rules brought out by the Government this year that it may not need planning to change to a dwelling, although it will still have to conform to Building Regulations I have also been informed by the Environment Authorities that they do not normally object to a balcony extending over the Beck, Although you should consult a legal professional qualified person to verified the above.
Or you could if you want leave it as a Detached Shop, Take-away, Hairdresser, Beauty Salon, etc. or maybe a shop and house combined.
10/03/2023 Heavy Snow hits West Yorkshire along with Brighouse and Bailiff Bridge! more on the way so take extream care if going out stay at home if you dont have to go out? 
December 28-2023
Well Christmas is just about over for another year although the New Year Bash has still to come especially if you are ‘North of the Border’
I seem to be apologising for not keeping the website up to date but unfortunately ill health is happening more and more and as soon as there is some kind of relief I hope to be back? In the meantime my best wishes to all of you
12/02/2023 Not aiming to be a worrier but the action of who ever are sending strange things into the skies above the USA, along with their swift action in shooting down these unwanted items down that are apparently seen as a threat to the USA air space, as if we don’t have enough with the conflict in Ukraine and Russia and the terrible earth quakes hitting poor Turkey & Syria claiming 34K lives so far, but instead of everybody in the UK pulling togeather they are failing out over pay rises, cold weather, alleged corruption in the government is it time for a Government collation? Let us have your views.
Our New Charity Goes Live
Our dedicated charity for 65 plus goes live taking care or the UK’s Forgotten Millions
65 plus Why not Join us NOW!
Hi everyone welcome to the latest news report for Bailiff Bridge & Brighouse areas, 11/10/2022.
Well by now most of you will have seen the latest efforts to help the Elderly & Vulnerable in the cold of the winter, to help them keep warm & dry without running up their Gas & Electric Bills?
Well its a kind of Drop in Area or a ‘Warm Spot’ as the Government call it which is to be held in our ‘Local Library’s’ so the Elderly and Vulnerable don’t have to walk far to get warm and enjoy a warm drink? (maybe the idea has some credibility) But OUR Calderdale Council have not only closed our local Library’s but have even sold our inheritance and our essential local places to learn and educate the people of Great Britain (no wonder we are lagging behind the rest of the world in education) This is just another underhand and disgusting things our lousy COUNCIL HAVE DONE!
Is Calderdale one of the worse Councils in the UK?
Sorry but Bailiff Bridge Must be one of the Scruffiest Villages in Calderdale if not THE NORTH OF ENGLAND Will the Council Please Clean this scruffy Village? FULL of Litter, Fly Tippling and overgrown weeds, People with Prams and the elderly can hardly walk on the pavements.
‘WHAT ARE OUR LOCAL COUNCILLORS & MP’s DOING FOR US?’ (keep it clean please)?
Everybody is going on all the time about how we have to reduce out environmental footprint by not travelling as much, we should also learn and educate ourselves and our children? So Our Council Make it impossible to stay local, as well as educate our children and learn, the future is the internet and it’s full of knowledge? If they don’t have or cannot afford broadband at home or a computer they can always go to their local library? OR NOT Wait on We Don’t Have Local Library’s Any MORE?
Around Our Water Ways
Over the years with my property backing onto the Wyke/Bailiff Bridge Beck I have often cleaned dumped rubbish from the beck as well as noted the flow of the beck and what lives in or around this water, although there are some volunteers who come regular to sample the water all over Yorkshire, by netting all the creepy crawling and swimming bodies hidden under the small stones in the beck, I try to keep in touch with these volunteers to monitor its quality, although possibly due to the hot summer with the beck not flowing as normal their last test showed an alarming decline in what is classed as good micro & small living matter that helps shows the quality of the beck and this was in fact one of the worst results in all the time the tests have been carrier out? Hopefully with more rain expected in the next few months the water quality may return to some kind of normal levels.
Well moving on, not a lot has really been happening in the area Birkby Lane (or Hill as most older residents still call it) has been resurfaced which caused heavy traffic effecting the general Brighouse area, while Hipperholme and Lightcliffe areas have also seen their own problems and in fact still are with heavy traffic queuing back several miles in peak times, (although have you noticed in recent years that we don’t always have peak times morning and evenings it tends to stretch most of the day).
The M62 has become a nightmare at times with standing traffic almost every day and as the sat nav gives alternative roots to avoid the M62 (if they can get off?) although this now creates problems in the wider area, I had to go to Leeds last week and as it was an early appointment I thought it would not be a problem (WRONG) as I left at 7.00am and headed on the A58 (Leeds & Whitehall Road) it soon became clear this was going to be a long journey although I was only going to this side of Leeds in the Dragon Bridge area and I diverted around every congested area I could it still took me 1½ Hours.
There are reports from several people in our area reporting More anti social acts and damage to property with quite a number of car crimes reported (although most are not even bothering to report many crimes to the police as they see it a wast of TIME). Bring back the Bobby on the Beat and get them out of their fancy and expensive BMW’s & Range Rovers? Maybe a Viva which at one time was the police car for every force in the country in helping to Stamp Out Crime.
Although Brighouse seems to be busy every time we visit it is hard to tell the actual sales compared to the pre-covid levels as many items are still hard or impossible to obtain and their on going spiral increased costs make a comparison almost impossible especially with ever increases with Utilities?
On a brighter note the hot dry weather of the summer months has brought an amazing summer for many of us and helping to put the Pandemic on the back burner so to speak for a short time but with the colder and wetter weather it is now on the up again so in your best interest consider having a Jab or Booster Jab, Bailiff Bridge Pharmacy (Chemist) are now offering a limited service on this Booster Jab?
As all of you who know me will know I am what they class as a real nut with anything to do with the Wildlife and in fact the Environment in General and this year has brought the most amazing wildlife along with flowers (and Weeds) I can ever remember, My personal thought on this is several points although this is just my personal view on the matter which we all have to start with the hot dry weather, that has not only brought a several fold increase in garden birds but several breeds of birds that although native to the UK although normally found in the warmer south have not only come to our usually colder area but have stayed throughout the year and several are still around at the time of writing this news letter. (Gold & Bull Finch, Nuthatches)etc.
The second point is with the Pandemic less people have been walking or driving around leaving much of the wildlife natural inhabitant undisturbed and many of the minute and micro insects and crustacean have been left to multiply with an abundance of rich natural food for our wildlife along with less disturbance to their nesting and breeding areas.
The third point is The Hot Dry weather has left many of the UK’s crops & Hedgerows untouched and allowed to grow or rot increasing all the creepy crawling or flying insects to feed on, making a combination of decaying fruit & crops along with juicy fat insects waiting to be gobbled up by our wildlife and birds,
The fourth point is the receding water levels in streams, rivers & reservoirs has left the micro waterborne crustaceans, small fish and scrimps more vulnerable and easy picking for many birds and wildlife.
The final point is the Eastern Europe areas in particular Russia & Ukrainian, have always been a great vast area for wildlife and especially wild birds, but due to the current unrest and conflict effecting what is normally a vast quite area is now thrown in to turmoil in effect devastating this normally safe and quite area so the wild birds have come west to enjoy our quieter than normal summer?
Please let us have your views on this very important subject?
Please help keep our village safe ‘Do Not Throw Rubbish Away‘ BIN IT!Burst Water Main Brings Chaos to Bailiff Bridge (31/07/2022)>
A burst water main caused a light flooding at time on Saturday morning to the centre of Bailiff Bridge traffic lights.
However come Monday it was to get a whole lot worse with the temporary traffic light installation in place that saw heavy traffic queuing at times past the Hell Fire Crossroads and backing up towards Brighouse although easing overnight but Tuesday morning back to ‘Long Queues’ again. Also it seems the impatient queue jumpers are continuing to go through the lights on red and even overtaking cars that had stopped at the red light (just to save a couple of minutes) there are also some that are using Victoria Road and Co-op Buildings as a rat run not only to gain a few seconds but travelling at high speeds on these restricted access only roads. (where are the police)
I hear you say? Out of the way drinking tea or coffee or riding round in their expensive BMW and Range Rovers I Guess? All Back to normal now? or at least as normal as the village gets.
The Yorkshire Shop Keeper and the Hawk (16/07/2022)
Last Saturday when opening up my shop (Bailiff Bridge Bargains) at around 6.30am I had a bit of a surprised early visitor that no doubt came looking at my bargains?
I was just setting up some stock on my outside display table, when I heard a kind of crashing sound coming from my shop, looking in everything looked normal however when I had finished setting up my display table and returned inside the shop there was a kind of crashing sound again, as I turned towards the Brighouse side of the shop there was the most beautiful Sparrow Hawk you could imaging with its bright eyes following my every move, as everybody who knows me will no doubt tell you I am a real nutcase on wildlife although my main wildlife love is really the small Yorkshire garden wild birds, although I can appreciate the shear spender of hunting birds especially this beautiful large bird that had now taken residence in my shop.
Although I accept they have to try and kill my garden birds in order to survive I would rather they did their hunting somewhere else, but the last thing I would want is for this unexpected visitor to come to any harm in my shop. Also not wishing to cause it any undue stress or at least as little as possible, I sealed off the back of the shop so it was now contained within the sales area, over the years I tend to get wild birds flying in several times a year but by turning all the shop lights off and gently persuading them to fly past the open door they do tend to eventually fly safely out through the open door when the see the light shinning from outside my now dark shop.
However sods law this morning there was a very low and bright sun that actually lit up the shop so it was just a bright in the shop as the outside even with all the lights turned off, I decided to retreat away from the shop and let nature take its way and hopefully the Hawk would fly out?
After a while nothing had come out of the door so as I returned into the shop I looked all over and there as no sign if the Hawk, then it was just about to get worse as I could hear a noise under the suspended ceiling, after removing almost half of the LED and ceiling panels not only did the Hawk come out but along with it a Sparrow which explained why the Hawk flew into the shop in the first place obliviously chasing the Sparrow.
After coaxing the hawk past the open door several times it became obvious it wasn’t going to be easy to get the Hawk out, so I put a Card Spinner next to the door and attached a blanket across thinking the next time I get it to fly to the other side of the shop it may fly out through the door, although the Hawk now seamed happy just flying from one side of the shop and back again it had also ether got used to me or was completely ignoring me in its flights up and down the shop and even flying above my barricade.
As I tried to extend the top of the barricade up to the top of the ceiling the Hawk passed me several times and looking at me as though to wonder what I was trying to do and then just calmly few out. I seemed to spend the next hour refitting the suspended ceiling and removing the barricade before sitting down with a cup of tea when I heard a noise inside the window, looking along the window was the Sparrow, which I managed to get hold of and release back to the sometimes cruel life of the Yorkshire small bird population? But at least this had a happy ending.

Bailiff Bridge & Brighouse like most of the Country experienced an unexpected late snow fall giving a good covering in some areas.
What makes it ever more noticeable was, this was following the early hot spell where birds were singing and nesting, also many late plants were eager to burst into blossom or flower early.
Like our blossom tree although the downfall of snow removed most of the blossom over the last few days, even the Peacock Butterfly was eager to show off its fabulous colours.
It makes you wonder if our wildlife know what time of year it is?
How Would You Like to Own Your Own Detached House Overlooking The Village Beck or Have Your Own Shop or Business in the Heart of This Village Read On?
Unique Single Detached Building Plot Freehold For Sale in This Quant West Yorkshire Village of Bailiff Bridge with Unspoilt Views, No Neighbours, Yet it is Located in the Centre of this Village.
For Sale Building Plot of Land in this Idyllic West Yorkshire Village Location Ideal for Detached Residence
This is a Chance of a lifetime to purchase a Village Centre Freehold Plot of Land Ideal for Large Detached House with Stunning Woodland Views and potential to build a stand out Balcony over a Quaint Village Beck subject to approval.
Side road position with some houses in the million pound bracket along this same road location, making this one of the most sought after locations in the area, ideal location for schools, Child Care, Parks and Shops, etc.
M62 access within 2 miles and midway between Huddersfield, Bradford, Halifax and Leeds making this an Ideal location for commuting and work. This property is just off the main village of Bailiff Bridge crossroad, although it is visible from the main A641 Huddersfield to Bradford Road it is just far away not to be a nuance from fumes and noise, it is fully detached with no immediate neighbours and the rear views are not only stunning with a quant village beck and a woodland with one of the most beautiful Weeping Willows in easy view, although the property is totally free from trees.
If you built a Large Detached Residence on this land it would make a million pound house that people would die to live in this beautiful area?
This Beautiful Historical Village along with the stunning Views, Walks and Wildlife. There is a Very good infant & junior School further along the road from the property, along with an award winning Public Park and other amenities in the area.
Currently the land has a Detached Shop Property on it which I have been told following new planning rules brought out by the Government this year that it may not need planning to change to a dwelling, although it will still have to conform to Building Regulations I have also been informed by the Environment Authorities that they do not normally object to a balcony extending over the Beck, Although you should consult a legal professional qualified person to verified the above.
Or you could if you want leave it as a Detached Shop, Take-away, Hairdresser, Beauty Salon, etc. or maybe a shop and house combined.
check Out https//
This virus is a long way off being over with numbers now once again on the increase, so remember:-
Keep Your Distance
Wear a Face Covering
Keep Yourself & Others Safe
Bailiff Bridge is currently no different to the rest of the world with Coronavirus dominating the news and with the current lock down, Bailiff Bridge residents are no different, throughout this pandemic we would like to take this opportunity to ask everybody to follow the safe distancing and ‘WHO’ (World Health Organisation ) guide lines, also please respect other peoples safe spaces and privacy, if you know of anybody near you who may not be coping on their own please bring this to the attention of the local authorities social services or other group who may be able to help.
Only call to see them if they know and trust you as a friend as a call from a stranger in these present times may be distressing for these vulnerable people, but please remember 2M safe spacing distance.
Protect NHS Workers
Save Lives